
Biden’s New Order: How It Affects Asylum Petitioners

On June 4, 2024, in response to the ongoing challenges at the U.S.-Mexico border, President Biden announced an executive action to strengthen border security and manage asylum processes more effectively. These measures will reshape how asylum claims are handled, particularly for migrants who cross the Southern border unlawfully.

Under the new directive, migrants who illegally cross the Southern border will be barred from being granted asylum, a policy triggered when the number of encounters at the border surpasses the ability of officials to administer timely consequences. This critical change is designed to deter illegal crossings and ensure that those who seek asylum do so through the proper channels.

The executive action also facilitates a more streamlined process for immigration officers to remove individuals who lack a lawful basis to remain in the United States. This move is expected to alleviate some of the pressures on Border Patrol agents, who have been overwhelmed by high volumes of border crossings.

Despite these significant changes, it is important to note that executive actions are not as comprehensive as legislation passed by Congress. They serve as temporary measures and highlight the ongoing need for legislative solutions to address the complexities of immigration and border management.

Exclusions for Unlawful Crossings at the Southern Border

Under the recent executive directive by President Biden, as authorized by sections 212(f) and 215(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, significant restrictions have been placed on asylum eligibility.

Specifically, the suspension and limitation applies to noncitizens who attempt to enter the U.S. unlawfully. The policy states that allowing these individuals to enter could be detrimental to the interests of the United States. Thus, their entry must be restricted and limited.

However, there are crucial exceptions to this rule: the order does not apply to unaccompanied minors or noncitizens who have been identified as victims of severe forms of human trafficking, recognizing their unique vulnerabilities and the need for protective measures.

This policy framework is not permanent. It is designed as a temporary measure and will be discontinued once the number of migrants attempting to cross the border decreases to a level that U.S. border authorities can safely and efficiently manage. This adaptive approach allows for responsiveness to the fluctuating dynamics at the border, balancing strict enforcement with humanitarian considerations.

Operational Timeline and Criteria for Biden’s Asylum Policy Changes

The newly announced executive order regarding asylum seekers at the Southern border took effect on June 5, 2024. The Secretary of Homeland Security is tasked with closely monitoring daily migrant encounters at the border to determine the operational status of the order.

Specifically, the order stipulates a clear mechanism for its discontinuation: if the number of encounters drops below 1,500 per day for seven consecutive calendar days, the order will be lifted on the fourteenth day following this period. This provision allows the policy to adapt to real-time changes in border crossing activity, aligning enforcement intensity with actual conditions.

Conversely, the order will be reactivated if the daily average of encounters climbs to 2,500 or more over seven consecutive days. Importantly, in the tallying of these encounters, unaccompanied children are excluded, underscoring the administration’s commitment to protecting vulnerable groups despite the stricter overall stance on asylum.

Navigating the Changing Landscape of U.S. Immigration

The landscape of U.S. immigration is continuously evolving, with new rules and laws frequently shaping the possibilities and processes for lawful entry and residence. In such a dynamic environment, staying informed and compliant can be challenging for individuals looking to navigate this complex terrain.

Recognizing the importance of accurate and current information is crucial. An immigration lawyer who is well-versed in the latest changes and understands the intricacies of immigration law becomes an invaluable asset. Such legal insight provides clarity and strategic guidance tailored to specific immigration goals. Whether seeking to resolve status issues, apply for asylum, or pursue permanent residency, having a knowledgeable attorney help can be beneficial.

If you need assistance with any immigration matter, consider reaching out to Maghzi Law Firm. We provide comprehensive support to those in the Charleston area and beyond.

Contact us at (843) 800-2750 to schedule a consultation and start your journey toward your immigration objectives with confidence.